What Is Acupuncture?
Chinese medicine, now referred to as East Asian Medicine, is an ancient healing art that has been practiced in China for over 2,500 years. Chinese medicine includes acupuncture, moxibustion, Chinese herbal therapy, dietary recommendations, tui-na (massage), cupping, and lifestyle counseling. Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into an acupuncture point along an energetic pathway on the body. The function of acupuncture is to regulate and balance the flow of vital energy (Qi) and blood in the body to harmonize the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health of an individual.
A practitioner of Chinese medicine diagnoses by examining the relative harmony within the body, mind and spirit. Diagnosis is made by examining how the organs are working on its own and relative to one another. Chinese medicine has evolved from its inception thousands of years ago prior to the modern invention of microscopes and the discovery of cells or the understanding of anatomical structure and physiological processes. Its theories are based on observations in nature and the cycles of life. The practitioner discusses signs and symptoms with the patient, areas of excess and deficiency in the organ system, looks for areas of heat and cold, and evaluates the body fluids.
In modern terms, acupuncture has been shown to stimulate our body’s own healing system. Many modern health concerns such as chronic pain, chronic immune dysfunction, endocrine dysfunction and pain may be caused by the breakdown of the body’s ability to function. This may happen through poor lifestyle choices, environmental factors, stress, and infection. Acupuncture has been shown to stimulate the body’s own healing system to help fight the imbalance. For example, acupuncture stimulates the nervous system which in turn stimulates areas of the brain, spinal cord and muscles to mitigate the pain pathway, the release of hormones or other chemicals in the body to promote healing and balance.
The World Health Organization recognizes over 40 conditions where acupuncture is considered an appropriate treatment. Chinese medicine can strengthen the immune system, increase circulation, regulate hormones, increase energy and reduce stress.